Uniswap Liquidity Incentive Program
Lattice Exchange connects all blockchain ecosystems and allows users to access the value of those ecosystems in one place. Lattice aims to reduce risk and friction for traders while increasing transparency and ROI. It provides a way for multiple communities to come together, create DeFi solutions (APY programs and Liquidity pools) and vote on projects to participate on the Lattice Exchange. As a result, LTX holders will receive a percentage of the fees earned by the entire ecosystem while liquidity pool providers determine the fees in the pool.
We are excited to announce the launch of the Uniswap Liquidity Program with up to 100,000 LTX in monthly rewards for Uniswap Liquidity Providers. The Liquidity Program will commence on March 10th with rewards being distributed at the end of each month.
Liquidity providers accrue rewards based on their percentage share of the overall liquidity pool. The rewards are paid in LTX to every liquidity provider that locks ETH and LTX on Uniswap for at least 30 days. These rewards are in addition to the normal 0.3% fee liquidity providers automatically accrue from uniswap transactions.
To participate, you have to whitelist your address, between now and March 11th, and add liquidity to the Lattice Uniswap trading pair. To qualify for rewards, liquidity has to be provided for at least 30 un-interrupted days. If you remove your liquidity from the pool prior to the 30 day mark (at any time) your previous progress is erased.
This rewards program will run for a minimum of 90 days and may be extended on a month-to-month basis. We reserve the right to cancel or modify the liquidity program at any time.
Qualification requirements
- To qualify you need to provide at least 1 ETH of liquidity, plus 1 ETH worth of LTX tokens.
- Each qualifying liquidity add is only eligible for rewards 30 days after they are added.
- If you remove liquidity at any point, your previous liquidity contribution is disqualified. In this case you must wait 30 days from the next time you add qualifying liquidity to qualify for rewards.
- Each whitelisted and qualifying liquidity provider accrues rewards based on their percentage of pool contribution.
Adding Liquidity
- Whitelist your address by clicking this link
- Once submitted, visit Lattice’s add liquidity page on Uniswap here
- Input the number of LTX you want to provide to the liquidity pool (minimum 1 ETH worth of LTX).
- Confirm the liquidity by clicking “Approve LTX” and accept the transaction using Metamask.
- Once the transaction is confirmed, click “Supply” and accept the transaction using Metamask.
What is Uniswap?
Uniswap is one of the largest AMM / DEX in the DeFi ecosystem. A FAQ section can be found here.
Official Links for Lattice:
Website: https://lattice.exchange/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LatticeExchange
Telegram Group: https://t.me/Lattice_exchange
Telegram ANN: https://t.me/latticeexchange