ID Crypto Explores Lattice Exchange

Another Great AMA Recap For The Record Books!

Lattice Gateway
12 min readNov 9, 2020

November 3, 2020

Speakers :
1. Ben Jorgensen (CEO & CO-Founder)
2. Mathius Goldman (COO & CO-Founder)

Date : Monday, Nov, 2nd 2020




hello @benjorgensen @mateogold welcome to our community.. we are happy meeting you

Ben Jorgensen:

Really happy you all invited us to this group! it is a big week for Lattice!


Hello everyone, welcome to AMA ID Crypto with Lattice Exchange
Tonight we have a distinguished guest,
1. Ben Jorgensen (CEO & CO-Founder) | @benjorgensen
2. Mathias Goldman (COO & CO-Founder) | @mateogold
who will explain the Lattice Exchange project and answer some of your questions.
Are you ready for this AMA sir ?

Ben Jorgensen:

Yes sir!


But before we start our first session, can you please introduce yourself and your background to the community?

Ben Jorgensen:

Absolutely. Here is a blurb from my linkedin.

Ben Jorgensen is an American entrepreneur and investor that focuses on emerging technologies and the culinary world. He is currently based in the San Francisco Bay Area and originates from Fort Wayne, IN. His focus is to develop sustainable and scalable businesses while optimizing human creative innovation. With an academic background in Anthropology, Economics, and Political Science he weaves a humanistic cultural perspective with economic viability throughout his visions. He currently is CEO and Co-Founder of Constellation Network, Co-Founder of Lattice Exchange, and Co-Owner of MZ Dining Group by Chef Marc Zimmerman (Ittoryu GOZU — San Francisco), and A-Five Meats, LLC.

Notable Press
Constellation Network Press

Lattice Exchange Press:

Mathias Goldman:

I am Mathias, Co-founder of Constellation and Lattice and we are ushering in the third generation of Blockchain technologies centered around a new consensus algorithm and a mind-blowingly different infrastructure logic — with tons of new applications and use cases. I’ve been in the industry for many years and have a solid entrepreneurial and corporate career behind me. Linkedin


You are very great. glad to know your background, sir

okay let’s start first session..

Mathias Goldman:

lets start



  1. Can you explain what is the Lattice Exchange ?

Ben Jorgensen:

We went through a thought experiment where we saw the entire DeFi space as a bunch of band aids on top of a broken base layer 1 protocol (Ethereum). We saw an opportunity to showcase Constellation’s scalability (economically and technologically) through Lattice and merge the best in class in DeFi but on a scalable protocol.

Lattice is the evolution of existing DeFi solutions by providing the best price and profitability for protocol users. It enables smart routing for trades and the ability to aggregate liquidity pools and incorporate multiple Automated Market Making (AMM) algorithms on Constellation’s scalable Network.We saw a massive trend occurring in crypto that brought new fundamentals to the space — that merged fundamentals of BTC — but applied it and repositioned it in a new utility.


  1. What benefits does Lattice exchange provide to users?

Ben Jorgensen:

well I definitely think they do! The community has grown quite strong over the last few weeks.

Mathias Goldman:

One of the main features is cross-chain liquidity. Cross-chain liquidity means access to multiple chains at the same time and the ability to swap assets between two or more ecosystems.
The other features are centred around smart routing of trades and liquditiy aggregation. All we built is to enable better trades and less fees for the trader.


  1. What is your vision and mission to build the Lattice exchange project?
    As we already know, of course, every project has its own vision and mission.

Ben Jorgensen:

A lot of people are talking about decentralized finance as being the means and channel to which centralized banks get overtaken. We believe that decentralized finance has the ability to really take digital assets into the masses. There are a lot of great fundamentals with DeFi but it needs a better operating system — it needs a better infrastructure layer to meet the needs and capabilities and utilities of modern day financial services. Lattice, built on Constellation, has a goal to advance DeFi solutions to meet these needs of traditional finance. We aim to be the bridge of the two worlds as we see a ton of potential to provide alternative sources of financing for the masses. There is a huge mission here!

DeFi needs to go to every business — not just crypto and not just traditional finance. Alternative sources of captial built on DeFi.


  1. Can you name some of the features available on the Lattice Exchange?

Mathias Goldman:

The unique thing about Lattice is that it is built on a ground breaking new infrastructure technology — The Constellation Hypergraph. The Hypergraph is a competitor to Polkadot and Ethereum.

It features full horizontal scalability, near instant transactions and consistently near zero fees.
It is an operating system that allows for the buildout of Lighthouse applications like Lattice. Lattice features best in class DeFi features like
-multiple asset specific AMMs,

  • aggregated liquidity pools,
  • smart routing
  • and cross-chain interoperability with cross-chain pools and rewards.

There are not many functioning ecosystems out there that have a fully functioning mainnet running that can implement cross-chain swaps.
The LTX token will steer decentralized governance and incentivize user and LPs


Cool. I think the whole community is interested in the Lattice Exchange

  1. Does the Lattice Exchange have its own token?
    please explain what the ticker is and how about the allocation?

Ben Jorgensen:

LPs will be rewarded in LTX. LTX will give them access to governance of the Lattice Exchange. We are exploring some really unique things around the governance of trade settlements and alternative business models. Our goal will be to give governance participants the ability to create scalable businesses out of Lattice. What we are doing here has not been done before. LTX is a governance token. It will let participants orchestrate the Lattice ecosystem and provide insight into how it operates (this will come in a myriad of ways).

The LTX token will be quite interesting from a farming perspective, especially when cross-chain pools are implemented. It allows DAG holders to use their DAG in cross-chain pools and earn LTX as rewards — thus giving utility and governance to both tokens.



  1. from @Al_zi30
    How does LTX handle government regulations and boundaries? And what mechanisms / strategies do you use to keep users motivated and served on your platform? What guarantees do you provide regarding user security and privacy?

Mathias Goldman:

That’s a really good question. If you have followed the development of Constellation you know that we are a US-based team and we have a high bar for regulatory compliance. That means we do everything by the book (like excluding US-based retail token purchasers), legal opinions for our LTX token as well as keeping regulations in mind for all other aspects of the business. With a lot of Anon-projects in the industry that gives a lot more accountability.
Our plan is to move Lattice to a fully decentralized governance model once the platform is launched to give users and the community more say and determination. As we have a lot of experience with decentralized governance at Constellation this will be quite exciting for us.

In addition to that we run audits on our smart contracts etc


  1. from @AhmadiSyifaul
    It seems that a lot of projects from 2017 are gone and failed to deliver on their promises. How will avoid the same fate? How can we be confident that this token won’t disappear a year from now?

Ben Jorgensen:

A lot of companies failed in 2017 because they didn’t have professional teams and operators that are experienced business people. Constellation (what we founded in 2017) has successful hit all of our milestones and deadlines to produce a base layer 1 infrastructure that competes with Ethereum and Polkadot. We have built our own consensus mechanism — based on algorithmic reputation — and have successfully deploayed a main net (in May 2020). On the business side, the United States Airforce is a client and we have a working contract with them (and there are many agencies in the government that we are working with — it isn’t just one customer).

Constellation is truly decentralized and running now (with validator rewards being earned by node operators). We have confidence and proof points that we can successfully deliver.

Lattice is our second venture and we are getting stronger and faster at building!


  1. from @Kinami1313
    Hello, safety and security are always the most important issues. How will the team resolve if there is an unfortunate security problem on the Lattice Exchange? Has the team thought of a workaround for this problem?

Mathias Goldman:

As long as that problem occurs while we have not decentralized we have some options in terms of steering the liquidity and the contracts that are deployed. Once the platform is fully decentralized this responsibility falls onto the governance board. Depending on the risk scenario there are different strategies to counter problems.


  1. from @nhitran83149300
    Why is Lattice Exchange built on Constellation? How does the Constellation address decentralized finance?

Mathias Goldman:

The Constellation Hypergraph is a novel mainnet technology that features high throughput as well as economic and technological scalability.
That means our infrastructure is meant to process high throughput and the throughput grows with the number of nodes on the network. We see it like a Microsoft operating system. You have a powerful operating system as the foundation and now people want to see what you can do with such an operating system.

So we are building lighthouse applications like Lattice to show what such an infrastructure can do. The same way Microsoft built excel, word and access as foundational pieces on top of their windows operating system. We anticipate that people will be starting to build their own solutions on the Hypergraph soon when they discover that they can scale their business model much easier than on ethereum and that they can integrate blockchain technology extremely easy into existing frameworks.

Thus as developer and user adoption are the goal for the Hypergraph and Lattice we expect another wave of applications and token raises on the Hypergraph. Scalability is not just about the technological progress, but the economical, social, and operational aspects as well: it needs to incentivize multiple layers, be easy to procure and consumer, and work with a multitude of use cases.

Lattice is the gateway to decentralized finance, connecting ecosystems, allowing users to transact better and access multiple networks with powerful features. We plan for Lattice to become the financial hub for the hypergraph ecosystem.


cool sounds interesting...

Photo Source: CoinSutra


Pongo Pal:

What are the plans to educate and raise awareness and adoption among the community to make more people understand about the project easily?

Mathias Goldman:

We have an experienced marketing team and if you follow our channels you see that we are putting out content on a continuous basis and we engage with many different groups and communities to spread the word about Lattice. This is all part of a multi months roadmap that is in sync with our key deliverables and development milestones

El Padre:

Constellation HGTP is your base-layer protocol. How will it be utilized within your ecosystem at Lattice Network?

Mathias Goldman:

It is used for cross-chain liquidity, faster and cheaper trade settlement. We interact with erc20 and the hypergraph. We are able to build on both due to the fact that our keypair algorithm is compatible wit ETH and BTC already. That means we already have cross-chain compatible wallets built into our infrastructure. As such that allows us to build and interact with both chains quickly and easily. We will build out Lattice in stages. V1 will be built on Ethereum and we will move to cross-chain and cross-chain pools by our V2 and V3 early next year.


LATTICE exchange Has gain Momentum in recent times & Users are also leaving Binace Platform & moving to LATTICE platform. What do you see as the main attraction point of LATTICE?

Ben Jorgensen:

The main attraction is that Lattice will be truly decentralized and not run by a CEX. With Constellation we are our own mainnetwork and protocol. I think binance has a great angle and approach and we will need many DeFi solutions out there. People will switch to Lattice when they see features, tools, and solutions that work for their needs in trading. One of the competitive edges is that we are working with the US government to validate data-we use our network to secure communications. If we can handle the world’s largest creator of data, we can take on some pretty complicated transactions (and a lot of them).

Additionally, because we are enabling smart routing, we want to work with all exchanges to provide reconciliation of tractions when a CEX can’t fill a market order. We also want people to trust that their data is secure and safe — which is the core of our infrastructure and protocol.


Is there already a plan to attract more developers to develop on the constellation netword?

Mathias Goldman:

As for developer adoption we have ample experience on how to govern and attract developers in a decentralized fashion, as we have proven with the Constellation governance board. Within that structure we have multiple sub-groups that are self-organizing — and were for example responsible not only for developer outreach but also the brand video you can watch on our website
The minute you have a great value proposition and a proper SDK developer attraction is much easier and ties into our existing networks and outreach strategies


How does the Lattice Exchange solve the liquidity problem that currently exists on many exchanges? Does Lattice Exchange support fiat currencies on the exchange?

Ben Jorgensen:

Lattice will feature common pools of the erc20 ecosystem. Users can create their own pools as well. Smart routing will let traders get the best deal with the least slippage.

Hermawan | Trader✓:

What is the biggest challenge for Lattice Exchange in the future? how do you plan to solve this problem?

Ben Jorgensen:

Bridging traditional financial services and digital assets.


Does holding LTX tokens give us users rights for governance in the Lattice Exchange ecosystem? What can we decide about?

Mathias Goldman:

Interest rates, fees, business model etc. All core functions of how the platform works


What are the specifications of your project that makes you unique and different from others? Why should we buy/use LATTICE instead of other projects?

Mathias Goldman:

The Hypergraph

Ben Jorgensen:

Thank you all for the great AMA Thank you all for the great AMA! We would love to come back and do this again with you all.


thanks also for spending time with us

Mathias Goldman:

thank you for the great questions

Ben Jorgensen:

Please come to our community and ask your questions there. Our marketing team can help us organize your questions so that we can do medium posts for more in depth answers.

Thanks! have a great day.


I like this, i can’t wait for your next AMA

We declare AMA’s Series with Lattice is complete!

Thanks to @benjorgensen and @mateogold
who gave us the time to share this knowledge, I hope we will understand more about Lattice Exchange

Thank you to the participants who have attended this event to the end.
the winners will be announced soon


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Join Channel @Lattice_exchange

MORE INFO ABOUT Lattice Exchange


Tags: AMAseries

Edited, originally posted here:

Join Lattice Today!

Lattice is a DeFi application built with Ethereum and Constellation’s Hypergraph Transfer Protocol (HGTP). Empowering users using advanced AMM algorithms.









Lattice Gateway
Lattice Gateway

Written by Lattice Gateway

Lattice is the Gateway to Constellation’s web3 ecosystem where projects can launch tokens, raise & manage liquidity. Users can vote, swap tokens & earn rewards.

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