Hey Lattice Gateway community,
We have two new proposals, which are ready to be voted on! You can find a summary of the new LIPs, the links to proposals, and the voting on snapshots below:
[LIP #11.1] Treasury Staking at Constellation Network
The proposal is a continuation of [LIP #11], which was accepted back in December 2023.
[LIP #11.1] suggests utilizing the $DAG in the Lattice DAO treasury to operate validator nodes initially on Constellation Networks IntegrationNet and afterwards on the main network.
Node operators are chosen from the Lattice community and consist of five-person teams led by a senior operator with experience operating Constellation validator nodes.
Validator Node rewards will be used to pay for the hardware cost, compensate the Node Operators and the leftover will be distributed to veLTX holders and the Lattice DAO treasury.
All veLTX holders can accept the proposal and determine the number of nodes the Lattice DAO will operate or reject the proposal.
Read the proposal here: https://commonwealth.im/lattice-gateway/discussion/14942-lip-111-treasury-staking-at-constellation-network
Voting: Sunday, March 24, 2024, at 18:00 UTC until Sunday, March 31, 2024, at 18:00 UTC
[LIP #14] LIP Naming Convention Enhancement
The goal of the proposal is to improve the naming convention of LIPs so veLTX holders have it easier to track governance proposals over time and determine when an LIP was exactly created.
Read the proposal here:
Voting: Sunday, March 24, 2024, at 18:00 UTC until Sunday, March 31, 2024, at 18:00 UTC