Another ‘Slam Dunk’ for Lattice in The Court AMA

Lattice Gateway
20 min readOct 8, 2020


Wednesday, October 5th became an exciting day for The Court and Constellation fans when Lattice Exchange Co-Founders, Ben and Mateo joined the AMA Square room for a free for all on the Lattice project.

This AMA exceeded everyones expectations in activity and unforeseen questions that took the Lattice team by storm! Enjoy this text re-cap of this informative and entertaining ASK ME ANYTHING.

Jasmin Tory @ The Court:admin

The AMA will begin in few minutes!

[11:51:49 AM]Jasmin Tory @ The Court:admin

AMA Square Announcement [Oct 5, 2020 9:32:54 AM] 770

Project: Lattice.Exchange

Date: Wed., Oct., 7th at 10AM PDT :clock5: Countdown

Guest: @mateogold and @benjorgensen

Total prize: $150 USDT

Project tease: Lattice focuses on the DeFi space by aggregating liquidity pools, providing low fees, and multiple automated market making algorithms leveraging Constellation’s scalable network, Hypergraph. Lattice will connect the DAG ecosystem with the ERC-20 ecosystem, paving the way for new financial products built on the Constellation Hypergraph.

Prize: $50 USDT each for the three best questions

Instructions :point_right:





For more details:


[12:00:17 PM]Jasmin Tory @ The Court:admin

Hey guys @AlyzeSam @benjorgensen! Welcome! How are you?

[12:00:24 PM]Ben Jorgensen:

My name is Ben Jorgensen. I am the CEO of Constellation and Spearheading Lattice — the first ecosystem build on Constellation

> Jasmin Tory @ The Court

> Hey guys @AlyzeSam @benjorgensen! Welcome! How are you?

Doing well, Jasmin! Thanks — how are you?

[12:00:50 PM]𓊈𒆜Aᗪ几Ⓐᑎ_ˢĦ𝕒𝕂𝐢𝐁ツ𒆜𓊉:

Welcome Lattice Exchange, one of my favorite projects.

[12:01:26 PM]Jasmin Tory @ The Court:admin

> Ben Jorgensen

> Doing well, Jasmin! Thanks — how are you?

I’m great! Happy to have you here 🙂

[12:02:01 PM]Alyze Sam :🏼♀:

Thanks for having us here, Jasmine. We are glad to join your community.

[12:02:26 PM]Jasmin Tory @ The Court:admin

Thank you! Will Mateo join us?

Group is now muted, tell me when you guys ready!

[12:03:12 PM]Ben Jorgensen:

I think he is going to join! He is the better half

Can you give him access?

[12:03:37 PM]Alyze Sam ::🏼♀:

Grabbing him now.

[12:03:51 PM]Mateo Gold:

There we go

Good morning, everyone

[12:04:00 PM]Ben Jorgensen:


[12:04:18 PM]Jasmin Tory @ The Court:admin

Hey Mateo! Welcome 🙂 now we can begin

[12:04:19 PM]Alyze Sam :🏼♀:

Mateo! We found him! Thanks for being here. He fought a storm so that he could be here for all of you! :D

[12:05:22 PM]Mateo Gold:

Haha. Yes, the age of hurricanes and fires is wild

[12:05:44 PM]Jasmin Tory @ The Court:admin

Crazy! So, can you guys introduce yourselves?

[12:06:35 PM]Alyze Sam 🏼♀:

But, they’re dedicated, despite natural disaster. :)

I’m Sam, I take care of our lovely community, media and marketing.

I’m just going to sit quietly and support while our gentlemen shine. :)

[12:07:03 PM]Ben Jorgensen:

Yes! I am Ben Jorgensen — CEO and Co-founder of Constellation. I am spearheading Lattice with Mathias. Constellation is a base layer 1 protocol that provides an ecosystem for developers to build on. We are one of the largest decentralized mainnets in the crypto space (and are still a secret to many)

[12:07:18 PM]Mateo Gold:

Of course. My name is Mathias. With Ben, I’m the co-founder of Constellation and Lattice.

[12:08:15 PM]Jasmin Tory @ The Court:admin

Thanks! And how did you get to crypto?

[12:11:08 PM]Ben Jorgensen:

Back in 2016 I was CRO (chief revenue officer) for a group called Exo Works — we provided Fortune 500 companies with a playbook for adopting new technologies (AR, VR, Blockchain, etc.) I learned a lot about blockchain technology from an advisory standpoint. Living in San Francisco, I had first hand access to people building great technologies. This is where I met the co-founders of Constellation. I was serving as an advisor to a bunch of (normal) tech companies and this introduced me to a whole new world of doers! That is when I REALLY learned about blockchain (sans crypto).

[12:11:18 PM]Mateo Gold:

Good question. So, I’m always looking for things at the frontier and what’s next. In that spirit I was looking for ways to transmit money globally without the delays and hurdles of legacy finance. I found BTC in an early forum in 2011 and got really excited. Watched the entire unfoldment since and got really excited when smart contracts were first presented — synchronistically that was when I was looking into global identity solutions — and now as Co-founder of Constellation and Lattice we are ushering in the third generation of Blockchain technologies centered around a new consensus algorithm and a mindblowingly different infrastructure logic — with tons of new applications and use cases.

[12:13:04 PM]Jasmin Tory @ The Court:admin

Very interesting! Happy you guys made it til here. So what is Lattice.Exchange? How does it work ? How is it changing the user experience?

[12:13:21 PM]Ben Jorgensen:

Lattice is the evolution of existing DeFi solutions by providing the best price and profitability for protocol users. It enables smart routing for trades and the ability to aggregate liquidity pools and incorporate multiple Automated Market Making (AMM) algorithms on Constellation’s scalable Network.

We saw a massive trend occurring in crypto that brought new fundamentals to the space — that merged fundamentals of BTC — but applied it and repositioned it in a new utility.

We went through a thought experiment where we saw the entire DeFi space as a bunch of band aids on top of a broken base layer 1 protocol (Ethereum). We saw an opportunity to showcase Constellation’s scalability (economically and technologically) through Lattice and merge the best in class in DeFi but on a scalable protocol.

[12:17:04 PM]Jasmin Tory @ The Court:admin

Speaking of Ethereum, we know that the blockchain has congestion issues, how will Lattice scale?

[12:19:06 PM]Mateo Gold:

Yes, so the congestion issues around eth were the reason we started Lattice — as it puts assets at unnecessary risk.

Lattice will be ultimately built on the Constellation Hypergraph allowing for nearly instant transactions and cheaper fees. Especially for traders and users who use the DeFi ecosystem frequently, Lattice is the perfect solution.

Having the Hypergraph infrastructure is the defining difference. We have a network that is already up and running that allows for horizontal scalability. Lattice, as such, scales easily as the underlying infrastructure scales.

[12:21:33 PM]Ben Jorgensen:

> Jasmin Tory @ The Court

> Talking about Ethereum, we know that the blockchain has congestion issues, how will Lattice scale?

Network congestion could lead to another programmatic black swan event or crash where people are trying to pull out liquidity. The fundamentals of Ethereum are not conducive to liquidity in so many ways.

We wrote a lot about this in our vision piece:

Lattice Exchange: A best in class DeFi project built on Constellation’s Hypergraph

How will Lattice evolve Decentralized Finance (DeFi) with the world’s most scalable blockchain infrastructure, Constellation Hypergraph.

[12:23:53 PM]Jasmin Tory @ The Court:admin

Very interesting and that’s good news. For example, Uniswap has smart contracts underneath, trusted and audited by many. How will the Lattice dex be designed and how are you going to onboard the Ethereum developers/investors into it?

[12:26:40 PM]Ben Jorgensen:

In our MVP we are going to deploy a user friendly interface like Uniswap while aggregating liquidity pools (1inch exchange). Our focus is to not be too innovative on our MVP as we want to work with what people are familiar with. Additionally, LTX will be an ERC-20 token. Finally, trade settlements will occur on Ethereum — essentially this is where liquidity is (we capture market share and interest where it currently is).

[12:27:10 PM]Mateo Gold:

> Jasmin Tory @ The Court

> Very interesting and that’s good news. For example, Uniswap has smart contracts underneath, trusted and audited by many, how doe

In Phase 2 at the end of the year, Lattice will already feature as a hallmark cross-chain liquidity and cross-chain pools. There are not many ecosystems out there right now that can handle this aspect in relation to swappable assets.

Phase 3 encompasses the entire buildout and trade settlement on the Hypergraph with its near instant settlement and fast tx.

[12:28:16 PM]Ben Jorgensen:

Smart Contracts are rather complicated with very simple solutions. Constellation’s microservice framework will evolve the “underneath” component and advance the Uniswap product in general to support more complex AMM’s and trade solutions.

[12:29:12 PM]Mateo Gold:

When we come out with the V1 it is industry best practice to have smart contracts audited and checked

As for developer adoption we have ample experience on how to govern in a decentralized fashion, as we have proven with the Constellation governance board. Within that structure we have multiple sub-groups that are self-organizing — and were for example responsible not only for developer outreach but also the brand video you can watch on our website

The minute you have a great value proposition and a proper SDK developer attraction is much easier and ties into our existing networks and outreach strategies

[12:32:27 PM]Jasmin Tory @ The Court:admin

I understand, clear roadmap! Can you elaborate on « cross-chain liquidity and cross-chain pools »?

[12:35:56 PM]Mateo Gold:

Firstly, the v1 pools will work on ERC-20 like we are used to. The difference is that we also allow for weighted pools and multi-asset pools. We have our own pools and we aggregate existing pools, leveraging the liquidity through smart routing — which ensures that a trader gets the best price at the lowest slippage

[12:36:10 PM]Ben Jorgensen:

Essentially we will be allowing individuals to stake DAG and earn LTX Tokens. DAG wallet addresses are already compatible and similar to Ethereum’s. This will allow people to be instantly cross chain compatible between DAG and Ethereum. DAG will give access to Ethereum. This was the entire vision in 2017 — to make blockchain chains interoperable (but no one really knew why or how to do it). DeFI is a great use case to show the value of cross chain liquidity.

[12:37:35 PM]Jasmin Tory @ The Court:admin

Very clear. Will LPs be rewarded ? How is the process different from uniswap for example?

[12:38:40 PM]Mateo Gold:

LTX is a governance token. It will let participants orchestrate the Lattice ecosystem and provide insight into how it operates (this will come in a myriad of ways). People that stake DAG will be able to earn these tokens. We are working on a rather evolved tokenomics that weaves LTX and DAG rather nicely (and something that hasn’t been done and will ensure a balanced ecosystem).

[12:39:18 PM]Ben Jorgensen:

Yes — LPs will be rewarded in LTX. LTX will give them access to governance of the Lattice Exchange. We are exploring some really unique things around the governance of trade settlements and alternative business models. Our goal will be to give governance participants the ability to create scalable businesses out of Lattice. What we are doing here has not been done before.

[12:39:21 PM]Mateo Gold:

We also have some freedom in speccing out additional mechanics like fee rebates etc. and governance will have a say in this as well once the product launches.

[12:40:49 PM]Jasmin Tory @ The Court:admin

« to give governance participants the ability to create a scalable businesses out of Lattice » that’s amazing

[12:41:27 PM]Ben Jorgensen:

Thank you.

[12:42:11 PM]Jasmin Tory @ The Court:admin

What else can you tell us about LTX?

[12:44:37 PM]Mateo Gold:

The LTX token will be quite interesting from a farming perspective, especially when cross-chain pools are implemented. It allows DAG holders to use their DAG in cross-chain pools and earn LTX as rewards — thus giving utility and governance to both tokens.

[12:45:52 PM]Jasmin Tory @ The Court:admin

Awesome! So you are working on two big projects, how do you handle all of this?

[12:48:47 PM]Ben Jorgensen:

Well…. When you have incredible founders and a great team — you can move mountains. Lattice is a great way to show people the potential of our ecosystem and the features and functionalities of Constellation’s Hypergraph. Lattice is the financial arm of Constellation.

Think of it in an operating system sense like Microsoft. Microsoft had to build Word and Excel for people to understand how to use their operating system. Then people built entire businesses on Microsoft! Our goal is to evolve Constellation.

All of our efforts help the entire ecosystem grow.

[12:51:30 PM]Jasmin Tory @ The Court:admin

Great comparison haha, very clear. So my last question, what have you done so far in terms of development? Any release date?

[12:53:23 PM]Ben Jorgensen:

We are in the last few weeks of deploying our MVP (and Phase 1) — we are very close to getting this out the door and in the hands of Lattice followers. This is a rather aggressive timeline, but we have a big vision to take this.

We are also aiming to release our token in the next month as well! We have a lot going on and it is incredible.

[12:54:29 PM]Jasmin Tory @ The Court:admin

I can imagine and it’s all going so fast! Thank you very much for answering our questions! It was super interesting. We will open the chat for questions. You can pick up 8 to 10 questions, or even more 🙂

[12:54:55 PM]Mateo Gold:


[12:55:08 PM]Hakeem:

The DeFi ecosystem has made some giant strides towards a truly decentralized financial system. But high transaction fees, slow transaction speeds, borderless swaps amongst others have caused drawbacks for users, traders and liquidity providers. How does Lattice aim to turn these weaknesses to its own strength? And what will Lattice contribute to the DeFi ecosystem in order to make it a truly decentralized financial system we all crave for?

[12:55:09 PM]Elly ♂️:

There are many platforms who are dealing with less liquidity issues. What will be the benefits to those who provide liquidity to the exchange?

& Who can be a liquidity Provider?

[12:55:09 PM]Retired Hunter:

How are you able to build on both Ethereum and Constellation, what advantages does using this dual chain bring and what are your Comparative advantages in this DeFi season?

[12:55:09 PM]Rimjhim:

How can Lattice offer a fee free offering when other various market makers charge quite a significant monthly fee for what seems like the same, isn’t it?, or at least, a very similar product offering?

[12:55:10 PM]IC:bulb:N:

Can you tell us the advantages Lattice Exchange, built with Constellation Hypergraph Transfer Protocol, has over Defi applications built with Ethereum?

[12:55:11 PM]Jonathan tross:

We all about the Higher Ethereum fee are causing many problems for users, What’s Your solution would be to this Problem?

Why do Crypto users need another Market making Service?

[12:55:11 PM]Astle:

How does Constellation Hypergraph Transport Protocol Connect real world applications?

How does it solve real Problems?

[12:55:11 PM]𓊈𒆜Aᗪ几Ⓐᑎ_ˢĦ𝕒𝕂𝐢𝐁ツ𒆜𓊉:

Now There are lots of Exchanges coming these days And The Main problem with many projects is Adoption. So, what have you done and plan to do to achieve adoption?

[12:55:11 PM]Retired Hunter:

What will be LATTICE EXCHANGE listing Criteria, what do you look for projects that will be listed on Lattice and how do you prevent Scams from being Listed? How secure is the LatticeExchange and do I need KYC to enjoy all the awesome features of LatticeExchange?

[12:55:13 PM]Ashwini:

As Lattice is built on Ethereum & HGPT, Why was the need for these two platforms?

What Financial Trading Solution does Lattice Provide to Its users?

[12:55:13 PM]Aditya:

Almost Every Platform tries to solve the same problem like High cost, Slow speed & scalability, don’t they?

With so many platforms, People tend to confuse between these that which one is better for them,

How will you ensure & build Trust amongst the users so that they use this Platform?

[12:55:13 PM]Hendra sico :copyright::registered::tm::

Can you tell us the motivation and benefits for investors to keep the $ $LTX long-term? Do you have a plan to help boost token demand and scarcity?

[12:55:15 PM]Kingdom:

Explain more about your automated market maker, how robust is it? How does it differ from UNISWAP AND OTHER AMM

[12:55:15 PM]Rektoshi Zulzorrander:

The biggest barrier for newcomers in crypto is buying and withdrawing with FIAT, how secure and robust is your FIAT GATEWAY and what currencies are currently available locally. ?

[12:55:16 PM]Hendra sico :copyright::registered::tm::

What are you focusing on right now? In Marketing or build a strong product First? Also apart of Uniswap, will $LTX also have an impact on other platforms?

[12:55:16 PM]Kingdom:

Being a dedicated and full time FARMER and Yield Farmer, I am very interested in How I can Provide Liquidity and earn, can you explain this process and what’s the utility and role of your native tokens?

[12:55:17 PM]Hakeem:

As an Evolution to DeFi, what are Lattice’s competitive advantages over other similar projects in the space and what are the laid down future plans to make Lattice stand out? Any benefits/rewards for the holders of LTX token?

[12:55:18 PM]Rektoshi Zulzorrander:

The serious issues confronting exchanges are Lagging, Liquidity and Speed. How does Lattice Exchange overcome these issues and what’s your TPS and Order Matching Speeds?

[12:55:19 PM]mom:

Is LTX token useful for DeFi projects to be supported by Lattice Exchange?

[12:55:19 PM]Putuskanaja:

How do you compete to attract traders to Lattice with feature-rich major exchanges like OKex, Huobi, Binance? Give me a reason why I should choose Lattice?

[12:55:21 PM]Crypto Star:

Lattice Exchange resolves data transfer speed issue. Do you plan to implement anything else?

[12:55:23 PM]Nick:

What are the advantages of Lattice partners over others?

[12:55:23 PM]Mang oleh:

What is your strategy for building a strong community? Do you agree that the power of the community will lead your project to develop globally? What services do you provide to the community?

[12:55:25 PM]나는 행복하다:

Can you tell us some of the latest achievements made by the Lattice project & can you describe in details the current development efforts, such as market expansion plans, expected applications & new upcoming program of events?

[12:55:25 PM]Jade:

What are the technical advantages of Lattice Exchange (built in Constellation) over DeFi projects built in Ethereum Network?

[12:55:25 PM]Max:

Is Lattice Exchange the right place for DeFi? For stable transactions?

[12:55:26 PM]Cyckorry:

How will Lattice Exchange be the main newsmaker of the DeFi market?

[12:55:27 PM]Maksym:

What Lattice Exchange will use for storage capabilities?

[12:55:28 PM]Mang oleh:

Can you list 1 or 2 deadly features that make #LTX project stand out from its competitors? What competitive advantage does your platform have that make you feel the most confident in yourself?

[12:55:29 PM]༒͢🖤⃝🇸ɱıʂʂ:heart:⃝ MȺħɨ࿐:

Will there Lattice have its own token?If, Yes What is Your token name And How will it be used by the network?

[12:55:31 PM]king king:

Can you list some killer features that makes it ahead of its competitors? What is the competitive advantage your platform has that you feel most confident about?

[12:55:33 PM]Para Bellum:

I’m a yield farmer but I tread with caution because of several DeFi projects that have either rug-pulled or been abandoned by the developers. Why should I trust farming pools developed by DAG & Lattice Exchange? How will these farming pools boost my yields?

[12:55:35 PM]king king:

Do you have any security threats, how do you solve and protect users from security threats problems of interplay cross multiple blockchains

[12:55:38 PM]viki 🇳🇬:

Do you have any Coin Burn / BuyBack systems or any Token Burn plans to increase the value of Token & attract Investors to invest?

[12:55:41 PM]Tom H. Chase @ The Court:admin


[12:55:45 PM]༒͢🖤⃝🇸ɱıʂʂ:heart:⃝ MȺħɨ࿐:

Adoption is an important factor that all blockchain projects should focus to be more attractive in the investors’ eyes. What have you done and plans to do to achieve adoption?

[12:55:46 PM]Manugotsuka:

The Yield Farming is the last Big topic that has invaded the DeFi, so can you speak to us about the development of your Yield Farming version? Considering that will be unique thanks to your constellation technology?

[12:55:52 PM]Putuskanaja:

Some exchanges do not have customer service or customer support. Do you have 24 hour customer support service? How do you define good customer service on the Lattice Exchange?

[12:55:54 PM]Sen:

The quality of an exchange depends on 3 factors, Security , Liquidity and commissions fees. Considering this, how does the Lattice Exchange cover these 3 elements? Also What makes it unique over other DeFi Exchanges project?

[12:55:55 PM]Winter Kommt 🥶:

- How many Liquidity Pool will there be at the Lattice Exchange launch? Do you have a system that allows us to optimize assets and place them where we get the most annual return?

[12:55:57 PM]viki 🇳🇬:

What kind of unique features does LTX have over its competitors on the market? How do you plan to increase the demand of LTX tokens in the future?

[12:55:58 PM]Jade:

How Lattice architecture is able to connect the DAG and ERC-20 ecosystems together?

[12:56:00 PM]IC:bulb:N:

Any step-by-step guidelines on building my own AMM for creating liquidity pools with Lattice?

[12:56:01 PM]Manugotsuka:

The Yield Farming is the last Big topic that invade the DeFi, so can you speak us about the developing of your Yield Farming version? Considering that will be unique thanks to your constellation technology?

[12:56:01 PM]나는 행복하다:

For each exchange, the factors that attract more users are: low transaction fees, high levels of security, and ease of operation. Can lattice Exchange ensure these requirements for users?

[12:56:02 PM]AGRAND:

How do you plan on using the Interoperability between ethereum and the constellation blockchain to achieve the aims of lattice exchange?

[12:56:07 PM]viki 🇳🇬:

All project’s coins have their main Utilities & real-life use! So, Can you tell us what are the main role of your coin in your ecosystem? Explain its Utilities & Real-Life use cases? and Why should i invest in your coin for long term?

[12:56:40 PM]Mateo Gold:

> Hakeem

> The DeFi ecosystem has made some giant strides towards a truly decentralized financial system. But high transaction fees, slow t

we have co-authored an excellent vision piece in that regards:

Lattice Exchange: A best in class DeFi project built on Constellation’s Hypergraph

[12:56:43 PM]Tom H. Chase @ The Court:admin

We will delete message with more than 2 questions

[12:58:09 PM]Mateo Gold:

> Rimjhim

> How can Lattice offer a fee free offering when other various market makers charge quite a significant monthly fee for what seem

Lattice infrastructure will not be completely fee-less as pools need to earn rewards etc. However the fees are set by governance and are not in relation to any network congestion like on eth. This means they remain economically viable and easy to forecast.

[12:58:16 PM]Jasmin Tory @ The Court:admin

Wow this was an avalanche! Delighted to see so many interested people 🙂

[12:58:27 PM]Tom H. Chase @ The Court:admin

@drzy16 Please choose only 2 questions or you will be disqualified, this is 2 questions per person :blush:

[12:58:38 PM]Mateo Gold:

> Putuskanaja

> Some exchanges do not have customer service or customer support. Do you have 24 hour customer support service? How do you define

Lattice is akin to Uniswap and 1inch. It’s not a CEX with customer support.

[12:58:57 PM]Alyze Sam :🏼♀:

> Jasmin Tory @ The Court

> Wow this was an avalanche! Delighted to see so many interested people 🙂

Agree. Thank you all so much. If we can’t get to everyone, you all can visit us on our Telegram.

[12:59:59 PM]Mateo Gold:

> IC:bulb:N

> Any step-by-step guidelines on building my own AMM for creating liquidity pools with Lattice?

We will have multiple AMMs for asset specific use-cases available. Self-built AMMs are not the focus for V1

[1:00:09 PM]Tom H. Chase @ The Court:admin

IMPORTANT: if you have more than 2 questions, you will be automatically disqualified / Please be so kind and delete excess questions before the end

[1:00:27 PM]Ben Jorgensen:

> Astle

> How does Constellation Hypergraph Transport Protocol Connect real world applications? How does it solve real Problems?

Great question here! Our focus is to make it easy for developers to procure blockchain technology (immutability and auditability) — in order to do that, we need to provide scalable technology that works with existing IT infrastructures. Constellation’s HGTP (hypergraph transfer protocol) is easy to append at the source of data creation (this is the foundation of any software). Constellation is basically a spark cluster with cryptographic security at its core.

Think of Constellation as a Decentralized Databricks — we provide data management and infrastructure tools for robust data pipelines. Real world use cases all revolve around big data — anything that is creating a lot of data and transferring it to one machine or software application. We add immutability to that data.

Ethereum and Consensys focused on the supply chain use case — the audibility of moving an asset from a to b to c. Constellation and Spore (our enterprise facing business) focuses on immutability and auditability of the contents of those assets (which opens up use cases in streaming data — images, videos, complex algos). Vastly different industries and use cases evolve the blockchain industry.

[1:01:15 PM]Mateo Gold:

> 나는 행복하다

> For each exchange, the factors that attract more users are: low transaction fees, high levels of security, and ease of operation

Yes. we go into detail in our whitepaper and vision piece.

In addition, our backing by strong institutions like Alphabit and FBG and many others will make sure that we see solid liquidity incoming on the launch.

[1:02:13 PM]Ben Jorgensen:

> 나는 행복하다

> For each exchange, the factors that attract more users are: low transaction fees, high levels of security, and ease of operation

Yes. Lattice is going to ensure that we provide lower transaction fees as well as consistent transaction fees so traders can build predictable businesses. Additionally, and leveraging the Constellation Hypergraph, our reputation based consensus will prevent front running and will leverage a more randomized approach to settlements.

[1:03:25 PM]Mateo Gold:


> How do you plan on using the Interoperability between Ethereum and the Constellation blockchain to achieve the aims of Lattice

Through cross-chain interoperability.

In our current stage Constellation is already cross-chain liquid with ETH and BTC (with some slight modifications). That means through the usage of the same key encryption standard we are able to be easily cross-chain interoperable and connect the Hypergraph to the value contained in the most popular blockchain ecosystems

[1:03:29 PM]Ben Jorgensen:

> Putuskanaja

> Some exchanges do not have customer service or customer support. Do you have 24 hour customer support service? How do you define

We will be looking to build out a decentralized community driven customer support. We have successfully done this with Constellation and will be taking a similar strategy going forward. We are familiar with building great communities and organizing them effectively.

> ༒͢🖤⃝🇸ɱıʂʂ:heart:⃝ MȺħɨ࿐

> Adoption is an important factor that all blockchain projects should focus on to be more attractive in the investors’ eyes. What You h

We have been working with the US Federal Government for over a year and are focusing on making Constellation a new standard for the collection and transfer of data.

[1:04:26 PM]Mateo Gold:

> Winter Kommt 🥶

> — How many Liquidity Pools will there be at the Lattice Exchange launch? Do you have a system that allows to optimize assets and…

Lattice will feature common pools of the erc20 ecosystem. Users can create their own pools as well. Smart routing will let traders get the best deal with the least slippage.

[1:05:54 PM]Ben Jorgensen:

> Mang oleh

> Can you list 1 or 2 deadly features that make #LTX project stand out from its competitors? What competitive advantage does your

The competitive advantage is Constellation’s Hypergraph, which will introduce more complex AMMs by leveraging Constellation’s microservice framework (vs. Smart Contracts): near zero transaction fees, increased governance, multiple and more complex AMMs, aggregated liquidity pools, and faster trade settlements to protect against impermanent loss and slippage.

— — — — — -ALLL DONE!

Thank you all for a great AMA with incredible questions. Feel free to jump into our community and we will work to write more detailed answers to all of your questions.

[1:06:57 PM]Mateo Gold:admin

— done

Thank you so much for the great questions and the lively community participation. This has been fun.

Come visit us over in the Lattice community

[1:08:05 PM]Jasmin Tory @ The Court:admin

Great! Thank you very much for your time guys! It was a pleasure to have you in our room. You have a great project and vision!

[1:08:31 PM]Ben Jorgensen:admin

We really appreciate that! Enjoy the rest of your day.

[1:08:39 PM]Mang oleh:

> Ben Jorgensen

> We really appreciate that! Enjoy the rest of your day.

Thanks for AMA

[1:08:50 PM]Winter Kommt 🥶:

Thank you for the AMA session!

[1:08:56 PM]Jasmin Tory @ The Court:admin

We will announce the winners very soon!

[1:09:05 PM]나는 행복하다:

thank u

[1:09:10 PM]Mateo Gold:


[1:09:20 PM]Jasmin Tory @ The Court:admin

Thanks everyone for your great questions! We hope that you appreciated this AMA with us :relaxed:

[1:09:36 PM]Tom H. Chase @ The Court:admin

Thanks for your time @mateogold @benjorgensen @AlyzeSam ! really appreciated :blush:

[1:09:37 PM]༒͢🖤⃝🇸ɱıʂʂ:heart:⃝ MȺħɨ࿐:

Great ama

[1:09:50 PM]Putuskanaja:

Great ama

[1:09:50 PM]༒͢🖤⃝🇸ɱıʂʂ:heart:⃝ MȺħɨ࿐:

> Ben Jorgensen

> We really appreciate that! Enjoy the rest of your day.

Thank you sir..(

[1:10:30 PM]Hakeem:

> Jasmin Tory @ The Court

> Thanks everyone for your great questions! We hope that you appreciated this AMA with us :relaxed:

Your first AMA on this group. I must confess. You did a really good job.

You surpassed my expectations.

[1:12:13 PM]Alyze Sam :🏼♀:

Thank you!

[1:13:13 PM]Elly ♂️:

Nice ama

[1:13:37 PM]Jasmin Tory @ The Court via @gif:admin

> Hakeem

> Your first AMA on this group. I must confess. You did a really good job. You surpassed my expectations.

[mp4.mp4] 111 KB

[1:13:49 PM]IC:bulb:N:

Great AMA, thank you for your time

> Jasmin Tory @ The Court

> Thanks everyone for your great questions! We hope that you appreciated this AMA with us :relaxed:

Thank you for hosting, it was my first AMA here too:)

[1:14:17 PM]Astle:

Nice AMA

[1:19:33 PM]Jasmin Tory @ The Court:admin

We hope that you appreciated this AMA with us. Don’t forget to join us on and the announcement channel at You can stay in contact with Lattice.Exchange on their pages as well.

Because your feedback is gold, for those of you who want to say something about the project and Ama Square, here is a (really) little form (anonymous) :point_right:

The winners will be announced very soon as well as a recap of this AMA!

It was AMA Square with Lattice.Exchange, stay tuned :wave:

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Lattice Gateway
Lattice Gateway

Written by Lattice Gateway

Lattice is the Gateway to Constellation’s web3 ecosystem where projects can launch tokens, raise & manage liquidity. Users can vote, swap tokens & earn rewards.

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